Praise God for the fruitful Income Tax seminars held in Delhi and Bangalore. Pray for the seminars scheduled in Cochin and Chennai.
We solicit your prayers for the strategic planning process CIM is undergoing to discern God’s mind for the future of its ministry. At this stage, we are engaging with various stakeholders to scan the external environment, identify emerging needs, and assess CIM's strengths/weaknesses. Pray for God’s guidance as we move forward.
Pray for our institutions to steward the assets and resources faithfully and ensure public witnessing.
Pray that the right staff with character, competence and commitment be appointed in CIM to take forward its ministry to new heights. Pray for the Good health of the existing staff.
Pray for all partners of CIM including MLCU, GTP, YMCA, and CMCT.
Pray for the special programmes for business leaders planned in Delhi and Chennai in February.
Request your prayers for the silver jubilee thanksgiving service planned in Delhi in February.
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