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From the CEO's Desk - January 2025

We are in 2025! The new year brings us new hopes and aspirations. As we have entered and are settling in the new year, the message that comes to my mind is the philosophy of Seiko Prospex, ‘Keep Going Forward’.

This is the message which the Lord gave to the Israelites when they were coming out of their slavery under Egypt. Caught in between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army, the Israelites were filled with fear and even contemplated going back under Egyptian slavery. But the Lord told Israelites through Moses to keep moving forward (Ex.14:15).

We need not be afraid (v. 13) when we are confronted with all kinds of challenges around us. We can take a step of faith (v.16) and move on, even if it is to a sea. The Lord’s hand of protection and guidance is with us. We only need to make sure that when God takes us through the challenges, we will give the glory to God (v.17).

Even as CIM, we are going through a strategic planning, a process of discernment to understand God’s direction for us for the future. We request your prayers and partnership as we keep going forward. We thank all those who have positively responded to the financial appeal last month. We anticipate your support even in the year 2025, so that we will fulfil our vision of ensuring ministries having Biblical level of management excellence.

May the year 2025 be a blessing in your life as well! Wish you a wonderful new year!

Dr. Aby Alexandar

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